Bukan mudah...
Untuk menjadi seorang pengarah sebuah syarikat sendirian berhad;
Apatah lagi sebuah syarikat berhad.

Di dalamnya terdapat 25 seksyen;
Menerangkan siapa yang layak serta kewajipan dan tanggungjawab seorang pengarah syarikat;
Seksyen 210 sehingga Seksyen 234;
Manakala, hanya terdapat 8 seksyen sahaja berkenaan Setiausaha Syarikat.

Pengarah syarikat...
Bukan sekadar duduk di kerusi empuk di dalam bilik berhawa dingin;
Bukan sekadar menghadiri mesyuarat;
Bukan sekadar menghitung untung dan rugi syarikat.

Yang dikejar...
Oleh SSM, jika syarikat gagal mematuhi undang-undang di dalam Akta;
Oleh LHDN, jika syarikat gagal mengisytiharkan pendapatan tahunan;
Oleh KWSP dan PERKESO, jika syarikat gagal untuk mencarum;
Bukan kerani, bukan mat despatch, bukan juga kakak pembancuh kopi;

Oleh itu...
Sebelum menurunkan tandatangan di atas watikah perlantikan sebagai pengarah;
Tanya diri sendiri;
"Bersediakah aku dengan amanah ini?";
Bukannya jumlah elaun pengarah yang bakal diterima.

Hubungi Setiausaha Syarikat;
Luangkan masa menimba ilmu;
Kerana menjadi seorang pengarah;
Bukan mudah!



Maybe he did not say that explicitly. Maybe the news portal has misquoted him.

But....I am not fond of protesting by going to the street.

Street protest does not solve the problem at hand instantly.

It just gives news outlet another opportunity to snap some pictures and write about it. And people will soon forget after reading it. If people reads...

We are living in the twenty-first century. There are other ways to showcase our dissatisfaction. Social media is a prime example.

It is better for this guy who proposes street protest to offer suggestions, via social media or any other fruitful means, to solve the problem rather than inviting people to be exposed to the hot sun.

We need solution, not drama!

A writer in me....or not.

May peace be upon you.

I rambled in this platform before. There were few posts. It was before FB gained its popularity. I wrote because I thought it was a cool thing to do. Later, when the urge to write lost its momentum I deleted the blog page. I did not save the posts.

Now, I could hear a persuasive little voice telling me to put a piece of my mind in this platform again. Maybe it is due to boredom as I am currently unemployed. Maybe it is a Divine hint from above to start structuring or organising my thoughts or maybe, I am presently out of cigarettes and the lack of nicotine sparks the creativity part of me. Only God knows.

But here it is. My first post. The first rambling of a rebel after a long hiatus. Really long hiatus. Do not wait for the next post. It may never come at all.